I get the need for comfort, to relieve terror and return to
normalcy and heal. How a community so traumatized
as Boston now seeks normalcy. The swiftest relief is found by immediate myth making and covering over your failures and seeing your weakness and shame as attributes, as a sign of strength and courage - "Boston
Strong". To not do so is almost unbearable.
That is understandable, but the Boston community relief celebration and posturing cannot conflate to policy review or corrupt
the vital honest debriefing of the event, of all the players, both terrorists and public authorities alike. For to conflate or corrupt policy formulation and response by basing it
on myth and fear is, of course, the
basic goal of terrorism in the first place.
We must get Boston "right".
Right now Boston, at least
the surface of the post-event
consideration in the public eye, is
making this terrible error, replacing reality and building myth, infusing
fantasy when the most vital clear and real understanding of the event is
required. This makes the Tsarnaevs'
victory even more profound, more destructive.
NYC 9/11 could not go
through this process of fantasy making and myth building as the sheer scope and terror of the event could only result in reality. It is impossible to see the heroic in no
other light for what it was, heroic - or the futile and abject terror for what
exactly what it was. The policy failure was undeniable. Therefore the NYC response then had the ability to build
immediately on a sheet of paper cleansed by harsh reality, basically unburdened
by terrible cathartic results of past error.
Giuliani, backed by a man of steel Commissioner Kerik (who's actions during
9/11 made his later fraud inexplicable), responded with near text book
perfection immediately, and then built and repaired the NYC weakness that
perhaps contributed to the attack. The
CIA was calling on NYPD looking for intelligence and translations and cultural
briefings on the enemy - and NYC counter terrorism techniques became the
example for the nation. But always it
was the incredible sheer size of the event and the obviousness of the problem
that allowed this completely new beginning.
It seems to be working.
But Boston is not the same story. Boston clearly learned little or nothing from
NYC in terms of counterterrorism for crowd events prior to the event, and seems
to be learning nothing from the event itself.
When one approaches a parade in NYC now, tables are set up blocks away at most access
points to check back packs and bulk items.
Non-participants are kept away from key areas of start or finish lines
unless their presence is explained. The office of OEM is in daily contact with
the CIA and FBI - and the dialogue is a valuable two way traffic in
policing. Arial surveillance, random
impact patrols and all environment sporadic checks are always in force. Manuals
are written and policy closely coordinated between state, transit, and
NYPD. State police seem to have fully
trained counterterrorism force that works easily with NYPD, MTA, and PA. NYPD
does not wait on the FBI to tell them who the potential bad guys are but
conducts their own intelligence operations.
NYPD is accountable and to date, successful.
As the Boston event unfolded, none of the NYC lessons learned seemed to be in place. Instead of the constant and sole presence of
the Mayor and Kerik during 9/11, 101 political actors took the stage in Boston,
and then it was pretty clear that
political calculus was often involved. Policy was haphazard and created on the
spot. What does one do when terrorist
are cornered in a residential area? Why
encounter them with force and empty all your clips! Two hundred rounds or more. Clearly there was
no plan, no central authority, no previously trained routine to implement.
Then an entire city was shut down, and Boston become an
armed camp. Even an idiot could see,
watching cops standing shoulder to shoulder for entire blocks or hundreds of
cars of every branch, that this was
gross overkill, that basically a police mob was forming. No wonder the police tried to ban scanners as
they depicted confusion and inter-turf disputes and fear. [Compare the Boston area scanner traffic to
the recordings of NYFD on 9/11. ] This
may seem unfair or shallow to note all of this, but this is all crucial to
consider. A clear review of all Boston
police is required.
The objective of terrorist attack is to gain maximum
leverage of the force available to the terrorist - which is always pressure
cookers or small explosives and IED (9/11 was diabolical and stunning genius -
the exception) - and terrify the populace so infrastructure resources are denied
and that the state authorized force degenerates into a vengeful rabble. The
terrorist main objective is to spark "overkill" from the state. That state imposes ex tempo force that is disorganized arbitrary and causes
more disruption to the people than the terrorists themselves. If the community attack allows all of that to
develop, then the terrorist achieve
great victory.
By anyway you look at it, Boston was a great victory for Tsarnaevs and
for the obvious ideology they were infused with, which is radical Salifi Islamism.
It is a massive error to see these two as simply psychotics
and one has to recognize they would do this for only the most, from their perspective,
pure and correct reasons. They are not
monsters but radical ideologues. There
is no pride to be found in Boston's response and the end of hysterical fear
should not be confused with achievement. Nor should anger and disgust in granting the Tsarnaevs' subjectively - to them - correct motives achieve anything - in fact it
is by only recognizing the rationality of their actions can a defense then be established. This was a grievous blow delivered with great success by a dedicated enemy to the
The debate of whether or not Tsarnaev's were formally
attached to al Qaeda is not material.
"Loners" or they are attached - and they show the brilliance and
success of the online propaganda and suasion of the enemy, how effective the enemy education and outreach
programs are in realizing a terrorist event.
Only the Maoist or radical Marxist achieved such similar success, it is
almost unprecedented in histotry. And it
is likely impossible that al Qaeda did not carefully consider Tsarnaev and
"case" him when he was in Dagestan.
So, for purposes of designing effective public policy and
to table correct forensics of the event, Tsarnaevs should be considered mainstream
members of al Qaeda - they likely are anyway.
They are now, in any case, members in absente, with their al Qaeda membership granted given their extreme utility
to al Qaeda.
The question to ask which
answers all questions as to what were the Tsarnaev's motives and
who were they working with or on behalf of is to ask, who benefits?
Therefore it would be
nonsensical to see the Tsarnaevs as anything but enemy combatants.
But it is crassly unfair and stupid to hold the usual Boston
area cop accountable for this failure. It
is their leadership and structure that is to blame.
Boston area cops showed incredible bravery and effort, especially after
the MIT cop's assassination (likely the assassination was intended to generate a
thoughtless police "riot" - that worked if so), and they showed total
The entire Boston security apparatus and police obviously
had little counter-terrorist capabilities or training, and the naive and
panicked response gave certain victory to the Tsarnaevs.
Now, excuse the historical pun, "what is to be
It is inexcusable that the demands placed upon BPD and MA
State Police were made in the first
place. It is inexcusable that the key
decision made by the Governor to shut the city down was allowed. The starting point for the FBI self-audit is
that Boston was a complete breakdown and failure with no possible explaining factors.
In short it is vital the complete failure of the system
both in prevention and response be recognized.
Intense review should be made, an audit, to identify who on the various
forces was leaking news on regular
basis, correct and incorrect alike, and those identified arrested for a serious
breach of national security. They are
criminals. The legal authority and responsibility
of all involved as is now must be identified and well defined - those acting
without authority or incorrectly must be held to task and corrected in public
A complete
"redo" of how the nation addresses terrorism is required, as well as
how it is prevented.
Using the in depth forensic
of Boston as the start, structure and law and resources have to be redirected, redefined or created,
and reorganized on a national basis.
first step is to redefine posse commitatus
, a set of laws birthed from Reconstruction over a 130 years ago and no longer
applicable in the age of international terrorism, if an event involves
terrorism (and natural catastrophe like Katrina, by the way). Either the CIA or the FBI or a completely
new authority must develop "state of the art" domestic paramilitary
capabilities. I would recommend it is a new
authority housed in a permanent domestic joint operations structure, the
domestic equivalent in every way to the Joint Special Operations Command shared
between the CIA and the Department of Defense.
Let us call it now the "National Counter Terrorism Authority",
the NCTA. Funding would be provided with
new appropriations and current federal funding for local SWAT teams and with
the FBI and ATF capabilities in this set eliminated. Personnel can be transferred or retired
rehired military personnel in the JSOC, or those in SWAT and other capabilities
who can undergo and succeed in meeting the demands for the additional training
The NCTA would be insular and self sufficient - the entire
capability able to meet two simultaneous major events in the country - and East
Cost and a West Cost team, again much like the SEALS. The entire force would be on the scene of an event
within 12 hours, and the complete command and control capability on site in 3
hours. I envision dedicated
transportation and logistics of several , always on standby, C140 transports,
helicopters, and semis. Local transportation
would roll out of the C140. In 12 hours a complete and insulated mobile
command and control plant would be assembled that was semi-mobile. All communication would be encrypted and
insulated. Complete local authority
would be deemed to the event commander.
Military code of justice would prevail for all results. JAGS and judges attached are on call and
authorized for all required warrants and summary judgments - the terrorists are
immediately deemed enemy combatants and must appeal that status to revert to
the civilian court system, but only after the event is resolved.
The NCTA would be under POTUS and receive a Congressional
Charter. A complete set of law would be
written under Section 50 (the CIA section) of US Code outlining the temporary
warrant of action granted to the NCTA and its supreme authority in all
matters. The NCTA would be under Congressional
review in the standing committee for intelligence in both houses.
It defies reason that the structure that is thought to be
required for foreign military is not duplicated as much as possible for
domestic purposes. Why the JSOC is not mirrored
for domestic reasons defies reason.
The need for unique specialized skills is obvious,
especially when considered in light of Boston.
Prevention must be coordinated from the national level and either
replaces local forces if a local capability is not demonstrated, and certified,
or coordinates with a permanent counter terrorism capability. SWAT teams do not have the skills
required. Furthermore, it is crucial
that terrorists be taken alive, even if the risk to citizens and the authorities
is increased significantly. The reasons
for that are obvious as it is not the specific terrorist who has just carried
out an act that is important, but the terrorists knowledge of the cell or conspiracy
that may exist. It is crucial to capture
the terrorist alive to make certain there is no conspiracy or cell. The NCTA would understand this and have the
equipment and training to lessen risk as much as possible in realizing the
paramount goal of taking the terrorist alive.
It seems the Tsarnaev shoot outs with the police was the desired
outcome, completing a martyrdom operation.
It is likely only NYPD may be equipped and trained to
realize the above and even then it may be unjust to call on any local police
authority to do all that is possible, even risking the officer's lives, to
accomplish the above, especially live capture of the terrorist.
The obvious
efforts and capability NYPD applied or reached successfully since 9/11 has covered
up a most serious flaw for the nation - that NYC may very well be the only city with a police force with capability to handle terrorism. The above has to be established in one form or
another shortly. It has to be, as the
enemy took notice and it should be assumed and it should be assumed the enemy read of the Boston experience is not at all along the lines of "Boston Strong", but rather Boston was surprisingly weak, inept and vulnerable so maximum leverage of the terrorist act could be applied.
Therefore the notice provided to the enemy means a near immediate remedy must be applied to
the failure that was Boston, or we should expect many such terrorists events. The enemy's eyes have been opened, they have been
educated. We must immediately respond.